Thursday, November 17, 2016

Home Cooking: Fun in the kitchen and good for you

The holidays are here and to many people that means family, fun, and of course food. We at Kitchen All Star love all three of these thing, especially when enjoyed together. For the next few blog posts we will explore some topics that we hope you will find interesting.

Today we are going to touch on home cooking. For some it is a breeze but others find that their kitchen looks like a tornado hit when they try to cook at home. Others barely have time enough to hit the nearest drive through before they have to get to the next activity or work assignment. Is it possible to have healthy home cooked meals and still meet the demands of family, work, and social engagements? 

In this modern time, people often choose convenience over quality when it comes to food. That is why fast foods have become increasingly popular in the busy times in which we live. While the foods from most fast food chains seem less expensive, the quality of the nutrition can be very low.  You do not have to look very hard to find reports that obesity, high cholesterol, and heart issues have been increasing in the USA for many years now. Many fast food chains use high sodium and over processed food, microwave ovens, and low quality ingredients to give you that “quick and easy” meal. There is a better option. Home cooking could be just what you and your family need.

Cooking at home can provide a healthy alternative to the fast food frenzy. There are a many benefits in eating home cooked meals. You can actually save money by purchasing ingredients in bulk, choosing fruits and vegetables that are in season, and checking your local grocery store sales pages for items you normally buy that are on sale. Other benefits to cooking at home include increasing your physical and mental health, learning or improving a new skill while having the opportunity to choose your own fresh ingredients and discovering new recipes while spending more time with your friends and family. Share the experience by having the kids help out or a friend cut the veggie while you’re tending the oven. Great times can be had in the kitchen!

Cooking at home does not have to be overly complicated. You do not have to be a master chef in the kitchen in order to prepare quick and healthy meals for your family. Home cooking can be really easy; just do not try to dive into those complex French cuisines at first. Do an internet search for easy home cooked meals and you will be surprised at how many options are available. Even if you find the task of preparing your own food too time consuming, you can prepare multiple meals when you have time and then freeze them for cooking later.

You may be saying to yourself “I don't have time to even go to the grocery store!” Do not let that stop you. There are several services that offer recipes and all the ingredients and will have them delivered right to your front door. Then all you have to do is follow the simple step by step recipes and you will have an amazing meal ready in no time at all. A simple internet search for “delivered meal plans” will bring many new options that you can further research to see which one would be best for you.

If despite all of these benefits you still think that cooking your own food is a difficult task, give it a try for a little while and see if you start to notice the difference in your health and well being. Cooking your own meals may not solve all your problems, but it can be relaxing. And if you see no benefits then you can always go back to the drive thru for those bland, boring fast food meals. In the long run, home cooking can improve the quality of your life and it's enjoyable as well.